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Church Prayers of Intercession

Prayers for use in Church

These prayers and intercessions are suitable for use in church worship
on Sundays through the year

Praying together this week Trinity 16 Year C - St Francis    By Mike and Janet Warren

This week we celebrate the festival of Saint Francis of Assisi who died in 1226 and we reflect on this well-known prayer. Although not written by Saint Francis of Assisi it is much in his spirit. Even though written in the 13th Century, these words are still relevant to us today as we pray together:


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love,

Where there is injury, pardon

Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope,

Where there is darkness, light,

Where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, not so much to be understood as to understand, not so much to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, it is in dying that we awake to eternal life.



Praying together this week Trinity 15 Year C   – St Vincent De Paul - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week the Church remembers St Vincent De Paul. Born in 1581, the son of a peasant farmer, he was ordained as a Catholic priest at the young age of twenty. After ministering to the galley-slaves he went on to dedicate his life to serving the poor. We pray:

For all those held in captivity, prisoners and oppressed; for justice, compassion and understanding; for those whose role is to care for prisoners

For all those weighed down by poverty and insecurity in their daily lives; for those struggling with rising prices and worries about fuel bills; for those sacrificing themselves to feed children and families

For those providing support and comfort to those living in poverty; for our foodbanks as they face rising demand; for all charities and churches dedicating themselves to supporting those in need

For those living in poverty of spirit, the unloved, lonely, neglected and overlooked in our society; for helping hands to reach out to them, for kind words and listening ears

For ourselves that we may be generous in our love, in our giving, in our time, and in our prayers for all those for whom life is hard


Praying together this week  Trinity 14 Year C  Autumn  - By Mike and Janet Warren

As autumn begins, we consider the changing season and reflect on God’s creation and the part it plays in our lives. We pray:

  • With thanks for the summer we have enjoyed with its warmth, long days and kaleidoscope of colours and plants; with concern as we see the effects of climate change in wild fires, floods and drought
  • With expectation as autumn slowly replaces summer, changing the colours of the landscape and ripening the fruits that will be food for the wildlife
  • With wonder at the mysteries of migration, witnessing birds flying thousands of miles to their winter homes and wildlife spontaneously preparing for the winter that approaches; with concern as we see wildlife reaching the point of extinction due to our effects on their habitats
  • With sorrow for the times when we have not cared for God’s creation and when we have taken it for granted; for guidance to help us make the changes in our lives to restore the beauty that God has given us
  • For God’s help that we may be good stewards of His created world


Praying together this week Trinity 13 Year C - Harvest  - By Mike and Janet Warren

September is traditionally the month of Harvest and in our prayers, we give thanks for the bringing-in of the produce. We pray:

  • For the work of farmers and food producers, fishermen and all those who bring food to our tables; for those who work in all weathers to pick the crops, tend animals and manage our agricultural countryside
  • For those farmers struggling to make a living and for those whose work on the land and at sea is hard, dangerous or unrewarding; for those who suffer mental ill-health as a result of the pressures of farming or life at sea
  • For those for whom food is an expensive luxury; those living on a dollar a day or reliant on food aid to sustain them and their families; for those unsure where their next meal will come from; for all those for whom hunger is the reality of life
  • For our environment and wisdom to be able to balance the need for food with the impact of our food demands; that we may all be good stewards of God’s creation
  • For ourselves that we may be wise in the decisions we make about food and its impact on our world; that we may be able to help to feed the hungry; that we may always see our food as a gift from God brought to us by the hard work of so many others

Praying together this week Trinity 12 Year C – The economy - By Mike and Janet Warren

Our country, along with many others around the world, is experiencing extreme economic and social difficulties. This week we think about our own country and we pray:

  • For our government in a time of waiting and change to come; for the two candidates who have put themselves forward as our next Prime Minister; for openness, honesty, integrity and wisdom; for those who have the responsibility of voting
  • For employers, Trades Union Leaders and members at this time of industrial dispute; for a willingness to listen to each other, for compromise and for a sense of fairness; for those affected by disputes
  • For those who manage our economy; for the Bank of England, Economic Advisers, Forecasters and our politicians; For an understanding of the real impacts on vulnerable people, for empathy and sound judgement in their recommendations and actions
  • For Businesses and for all people who are already struggling and worried about rising bills and about their future; for Debt Counsellors, Citizens Advice Bureau, Samaritans and other agencies offering help and support

Praying together this week Trinity 11 Year C – Student Exams - By Mike and Janet Warren

August is a time when our young people receive their grades for the various exams that they have taken during the summer term.  In different ways these will mark the start of the next stage in their life journey and so we pray:

For those children and young people who have already received their results; praying for each one of the students and their families

For those young people awaiting exam results over the coming weeks; for guidance and encouragement as they choose options for further education or employment; for their Parents, Teachers and Lecturers that they may have wisdom and foresight

For children and young people who have struggled and not attained the results they hoped for; for comfort in their disappointment, a listening ear and wise help to make the right decisions with them

For staff in Further education institutions as they manage a large workload of requests, allocations, advice and decision-making; for patience and wisdom

For employers taking on school and college leavers; for open minds and an understanding of their role in developing and nurturing our young people

Praying together this week Trinity 10 Year C  – St Clare of Assisi - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week we remember St Clare of Assisi (1194-1253) who was an Italian saint and one of the first followers of Francis of Assisi. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition, and wrote their Rule of Life, the first set of monastic guidelines known to have been written by a woman. Following her death, the order she founded was renamed in her honour as the Order of Saint Clare, commonly referred to today as the Poor Clare’s. There is a community of Poor Clare’s at Freeland in Oxfordshire. We pray:

  • For all women in Religious Communities offering lives of service to the poor, the sick, those in need and supporting Parish life
  • For the ministry of all women giving thanks for the gifts, commitment and love that is shown
  • Using Clare’s words, we pray for the needs of the whole world at this troubled time: 

I behold the Lord. I see His outstretched hands. 
I see the blood from His wounds. I see the love in the eyes of Jesus.
I see His gracious acceptance of me.


Jesus has come out of the tomb He still has the scars, but now they are glorious, with the glory of heaven.

Still looking at the Lord, I reach out and touch Him. I hold the Lord – and I am held in His love.

Love enfolds.
It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me.
I am secure in the Lord. I can look out, now, through the Lord’s eyes.
I can see the world as He created it, in His mercy,
I can see my sisters and brothers with His love,
and I can worship the Father through the eyes of the Son
in the Love of the Holy Spirit.


Praying together this week Trinity 9 Year C  - Sport - By Mike and Janet Warren

With international sport taking place over summer and football fever gripping fans of the game we reflect on sport and its power to unite and inspire us. We pray:

  • With thanks to God for the amazing determination, commitment, courage and skill of sports people who give us all an example to carry into our lives of faith; for all who will take part in sport that they may be safe and well
  • For those countries represented at international events, each with their own challenges as nations brought about by economic problems, tensions in society or the effects of climate change; for their governments that they may be wise, tolerant and have the integrity needed to govern well
  • For all those who have little access to sport through poverty, prejudice or discrimination, may hearts and minds be opened to accepting all
  • For the people of Birmingham as they host the Games; for the organisers, officials and volunteers; for welcoming hearts and minds to be the mark of the Games
  • For ourselves as we may run our race of faith with the same courage and determination as the athletes and striving for our final prize.


Praying together this week Trinity 8 Year C – Human slavery - By Mike and Janet Warren

In the light of stories of human trafficking, including children, the Church remembers William Wilberforce whose tireless campaigning led to the Abolition of Slavery Act. We reflect on slavery in our world today and pray;

  • For all adults and children who are caught up in modern-day slavery; for those struggling to find a better life and are the victims of trafficking gangs
  • For those unseen victims of slavery in our own country; those working in illegal car washes, agricultural labouring, domestic servitude and sex workers
  • For all those who have died in the backs of lorries, on boats and on the roads of Europe
  • For the work of the Border Force, Immigration Service, the Home Office and Local Authorities; for compassion, empathy and generosity of spirit    For our society, that our hearts and eyes may be open to the presence of modern-day slavery and that we may speak out for justice 

Praying together this week Trinity 7 Year C - Schools and holidays - By Mike and Janet Warren

As our young people break up from schools and colleges for the summer holiday our thoughts turn to the holiday season and times of rest and relaxation. We pray;

  • For our young people; may this summer holiday be a time of calm and simple enjoyment for them after a year of catching up on missed education and regaining lost confidence
  • For families struggling to balance the needs of work and childcare over the coming weeks; for those facing the challenge of providing meals and entertainment for their children as costs increase
  • For those who are concerned that their holiday plans may be cancelled or disrupted during these uncertain times
  • For those for whom the opportunity for a holiday is a distant dream; for those who continue to be fearful of the impact of Coronavirus and are frightened to leave their homes
  • For those who work throughout the summer season to provide services for us; for children’s holiday clubs and play schemes; for all those who work in the Travel and Tourism industry

Praying together this week Trinity 6 Year C - Summer General Intercession - By Mike and Janet Warren

As we go through the quieter months in the Church’s calendar, we bring our thoughts together for all those in need, and so we pray:

  • For the Worldwide church; for unity in diversity, for inspiring and sound teaching of the faith, for a clear and courageous stand against all that is wrong in our world.
  • For our world; for peace and harmony between people, an end to war, inequality and oppression; for aid and support for the starving, the war torn, the refugee, the marginalised and those affected by natural disaster.
  • For our community; for families, friends, neighbours and those we share our lives with; for mutual respect and love for one another, for reconciliation where there is hurt and for our homes to be places of love and welcome.
  • For all those who are in need; for the sick, the bereaved, the unemployed, the lonely, the addicted, the homeless and those struggling with poverty; for healing, help, support, care and kindness.
  • For the departed, giving thanks for the lives of those we have loved and see no more; for the souls of all those who have died that they may have rest eternal.


Praying together week Trinity 5 Year C – For world peace - By Mike and Janet Warren

Our world is struggling in so many ways and we see daily the suffering and pain of our brothers & sisters so we pray:

  • For Peace; to be in the hearts of all those who make for war that they may turn to ways of peace; for those who suffer through war, the people of Ukraine, Russia, the Yemen, Syria, South Sudan and in all countries where there is civil unrest
  • For aid and support; for the people of Bangladesh suffering extreme flooding; for the people of Afghanistan affected by earthquake, hunger and oppression; for all those suffering poverty and the effects of the global economic crisis
  • For humanity and social justice; for all those seeking refuge and asylum, those in the hands of traffickers and are exploitered and those who are stateless; for the souls who have lost their lives whilst seeking a better future
  • For integrity, truth and wisdom; in World Leaders, Governments and Legislators in the decisions and laws they make on our behalf; for the marginalised and vulnerable in societies that their needs may be at the forefront
  • For faith, patience and hope; in ourselves as we seek to play our part in being instruments of God’s peace and love.


Praying together this week Trinity 4 Year C – St Peter and St Paul - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week we remember St Peter and St Paul, the two great leaders and founders of the Church giving thanks for their faith and witness, their legacy of a worldwide communion of faith and the Priests who have followed in their footsteps. We pray for:

  • All those who are considering their vocation to the ordained ministry; for those who will offer spiritual direction, advice and counsel; for those who will discern the calling of candidates
  • All those who will be ordained to the ministry at this Peter-tide; for their families, supporters and church communities; for those who will be ordained in our Diocese
  • All priests and deacons that they may be sustained and encouraged in their ministry by their church families; for those who are struggling with ordained ministry that they may be helped and supported
  • For ourselves that we may be guided and inspired in our own lay ministry


Praying together this week Trinity 4 - General Intercessions- By Morag Stewart

God of all people, as we gather together this morning, we welcome You amongst us and celebrate the gift of life that you have given to each of us. We ask You to open our ears so that we may hear your voice. Open our minds that we may receive Your eternal wisdom. Open our spirits so we may know Your teaching and guidance, and open our hearts so that we may receive Your wonderful love.
Lord, in your mercy; Hear our prayer


Almighty Father, we thank you for giving us so much to enjoy in the world. Open our eyes to see all the beauty of Summer around us; help us to appreciate your greatness in giving us the different seasons, each fulfilling our needs. Help us to safeguard them so that our children and future generations will benefit from the natural beauty which you have created. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

We pray for our children and young people as they come to the end of another academic year and thank you for the opportunities that are provided for them through our education system. We pray for those who have taken public exams this Summer and eagerly await their results and hope that in each case their efforts will be justly rewarded and they achieve what is necessary to move forward along their chosen path. We give thanks for teachers who have worked hard in preparing young people in achieving their aspirations and goals.

We pray for our children as they grow up in our family circle. Give us understanding of their needs and show us how best we can help them as they face their problems and prepare for life in the world. Help us to establish a relationship of trust between them and ourselves and to make our homes a place where at all times they may find love and security. We pray for children who are less fortunate, for those who have lost a parent, for those who are homeless and for those who have witnessed events that young eyes should never have to see.

We pray for all those going on holiday this Summer and thank you for the refreshment which holiday brings to our lives; for the excitement of anticipation and planning; for the freedom from routine, and for new experiences and opportunities. Help us to use our holidays to see your creation. Help us to use our freedom to understand more clearly the fullness of life you are constantly offering us. Accept our thanks for the rich variety of life which is your gift and when our holidays are over, help us to return to our homes safely with a new vision of your will for us.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

We pray for peace in so many parts of our troubled world. We pray for the victims of war, of natural disasters and crime, for those who are injured

and those who mourn the loss of loved ones. We pray that those with influence and authority will heed and promote the calls for tolerance, peace and justice.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father,
We pray for those who are sick, especially those whose illness is long term and demands much patience to bear. We remember before you those who are lonely and depressed and pray that we may be good listeners when friends and neighbours need us. Give us the right words and help us to know what simple acts of kindness may help someone else. Comfort with your presence those who suffer in body, mind or spirit and give them courage and hope in their troubles.We remember before you those who have died and those whose anniversaries fall at this time. Give strength to those who are left to grieve and help us to share in each other's sorrow. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench. We remember before God those who have died, and light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ which eternally shines and brings hope. 

Today we remember

You turn our darkness into light, in your light shall we see light.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ

Praying together this week Trinity 3 Year C  – St Alban - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week the church remembers St Alban. As our ‘local’ Saint and the home of his Shrine we give thanks for the life and example of St Alban. Beheaded after he sheltered and then took the place of a persecuted Christian priest, Alban is the example of faith and willingness to lay down his life for a friend. We pray for:

  • All who have been martyred for their faith; those who suffer persecution because of their religion, culture and country
  • Those who campaign on behalf of the persecuted giving thanks for their commitment to justice and freedom; for the work of Amnesty and Christian Solidarity Worldwide.
  • Our Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban, Bishop Alan, the Clergy and staff, giving thanks for their ministry and guidance.
  • For Christian Unity and an increase in inter-faith dialogue; for opportunities to work together in our community and for all Faith Leaders


Praying together this week Trinity 2 Year C – For the Health Services - By Mike and Janet Warren 

This week we take the time to pray for the NHS, so badly affected and overwhelmed after the pandemic. We pray:

  • For all Hospitals as they struggle to balance the needs of patients with so many different conditions and demands; for those patients on long waiting lists and those waiting for a diagnosis
  • For doctors, nurses and all staff in the direct care of patients, coping with high work load, long hours and shortage of staff
  • For those staff working behind the scenes to keep their hospitals running safely and who are faced with difficult decisions
  • For those working in the ambulance Service and A & E departments experiencing overwhelming demand and little respite; for Ambulance Control staff faced with the need to make priority decisions; for those who have been the victim of abuse or violence
  • For all those working in Primary Care; for GP’s and support staff, for Community Staff visiting patients in their homes; and for those working in Residential and Nursing homes
  • For those who are fearful because their treatment has been postponed or cancelled due to the demands in our hospitals.

General Intercession Trinity 2 Year C by Ian Farthing 

By prayer and intercession with thanksgiving we make our requests to God.


Gracious God,we pray for peace, justice and reconciliation throughout the world. Especially we pray for the people of the Ukraine that the civilised world would be united in providing the support needed for their defence against aggression, for their bereaved, the injured, the displaced people, for those living in fear.  We pray for the honouring of human rights across the world, and for the relief of the oppressed.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

We pray for the renewal of the Church in faith, love and service. We pray for Alan and Richard our bishops and for the life of this parish and community. We pray for the neighbouring worshipping communities at All Nations, St Andrew’s, Putnoe Heights and St Philip and St James

 We give thanks for the gift of your word, the grace of the sacraments and the fellowship of all your people. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer  


We pray for this local community and for all people in their daily life and work. We pray for the young and the elderly,
for families, and especially those who are alone. We give thanks for human skill and creativity and all that reveals your loveliness. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


We pray for those who are in need; for the sick, sorrowful and bereaved. We pray for all who bring comfort, care and healing. We give thanks for human love and friendship and for all that enriches our daily lives. 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer


And so let us commend ourselves, and all for whom we pray,  to the mercy and protection of God.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

Praying together Trinity 1 Year C - Health Services - By Mike and Janet Warren 

This week we take the time to pray for the NHS, so badly affected and overwhelmed after the pandemic. We pray:

  • For all hospitals as they struggle to balance the needs of patients with so many different conditions and demands; for those patients on long waiting lists and those waiting for a diagnosis
  • For doctors, nurses and all staff in the direct care of patients, coping with high work load, long hours and shortage of staff
  • For those staff working behind the scenes to keep their hospitals running safely and who are faced with difficult decisions
  • For those working in the ambulance service and A & E departments experiencing overwhelming demand and little respite; for Ambulance Control staff faced with the need to make priority decisions; for those who have been the victim of abuse or violence
  • For all those working in Primary Care; for GP’s and support staff, for Community Staff visiting patients in their homes; and for those working in Residential and Nursing homes
  • For those who are fearful because their treatment has been postponed or cancelled due to the demands in our hospitals.


Praying together Pentecost Sunday - By Mike and Janet Warren 

Today we celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples. We pray:

  • That the church may be blessed and guided with the gift of the Holy Spirit and to preach the Gospel to all people; for our own church of St Mark’s and its Ministers; for the worldwide church and all who preach the way of faith.
  • That the Holy Spirit may speak in all tongues to a world troubled by divisions, conflicts and misunderstandings; for the Peace of the Holy Spirit to be in the hearts of all Leaders. We pray that the Holy Spirit will break down the barriers that hold people apart so that God’s wonderful works will be known.
  • For all whose lives are limited by poverty, suffering, sickness or violence and who may not know the fullness of life that God wishes for them; May the Holy Spirit come to them to be their comforter and companion.
  • For ourselves that we may have the courage to speak the words of faith, comfort and hope; May we give thanks for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and pray that we will use them for God’s glory and guidance in our daily lives.

General Intercessions for Pentecost Year C - By Ian Farthing 

Heavenly Father today we gather to celebrate the feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the Disciples.

We pray 

  • That the church may be blessed and guided with the gift of the Holy Spirit and to preach the Gospel to all people
  • We pray for our ministers and all who preach and teach the way of salvation
  • May each of us respond to the gift that the spirit bestows to enable us to serve the Lord each day
  • That the Holy Spirit may speak in all tongues to a world troubled by divisions, conflicts and misunderstandings
  • We pray for peace in the world, that the Holy Spirit may unite and reconcile the peoples and nations to bring an end to war, hatred and discrimination
  • Break down the barriers that hold people apart so that God’s wonderful works will be known
  • Lord make us more aware of our responsibilities to our environment, our climate and our resources that we may ensure that the beauty of the earth continues for future generations
  • We pray for all whose lives are limited by poverty, suffering, sickness or violence and who may not know the fullness of life that God wishes for them; May the Holy Spirit come to them to be their comforter and their companion
  • We remember those who have died and share with their families and friends in their time of loss. Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light which no darkness can quench, we remember before God those who have died and we light a candle to symbolise the light of Christ, which eternally shines and brings hope. You turn our darkness into light In your light shall we see light
  • Lastly we pray for ourselves and we give thanks for our health, for each new day that dawns and the opportunities they bring. May we have the courage to speak the words of faith, comfort and hope and may we give thanks for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and pray for guidance in our daily lives.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


Praying together Easter 7 Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

During this week we recall the visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth. We remember the joy of that family reunion that speaks of the ministries to come of John the Baptist and Jesus  We pray:

  • For family life giving thanks for the joy and abundant blessings that families give us; for our own immediate families, our extended families and those that God has given us to love.
  • For those who are alone with no family to call their own; for them to experience the hand of friendship and love through those that they meet.
  • For those whose family life is marked by anger, resentment, sorrow and despair; may they find harmony, reconciliation and peace.
  • For those families that are suffering poverty, hardship and anxiety; for help, support, compassion and hope.
  • For those whose family is suffering bereavement that they may know the comfort of God’s eternal love in their heartache.
  • For ourselves that we may be guided to show God’s love in our relationships.


Praying together Easter 6 Year C - Schools and Further Education - By Mike and Janet Warren

As the Summer term progresses in our schools, colleges and universities, our prayers are for our children and young people. We pray for:

  • All Pre-school children especially those who are preparing to transfer to school; for those children who are feeling anxious or insecure; for keyworkers and staff preparing little ones to transfer to Reception classes; for parents and care-givers as they nurture the children
  • All Primary school children, particularly those who have faced their SATS exams; for their parents and teachers as they support and guide them as they go forward in education
  • All Secondary school pupils preparing for GCSE, A Levels and Vocational qualifications that they may feel confident and supported; for teachers and Examination Boards as they return to the examination system after the pandemic
  • All College and University students preparing for exams and assessments and considering options for future employment or study; for their lecturers and tutors that they may be able to guide and advise these young people
  • Our prayers to surround all our children and young people at this time


Praying together Easter 5 Year C - Christian Aid and Missionary Societies - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week is Christian Aid Week and we focus on the developing world and its many needs. We pray for:

  • The work of Christian Aid across many countries, its staff and volunteers and those working on behalf of the charity across the world
  • Those countries reliant on food aid and international donations to support their people; for the work of the United Nations in helping to bring economic stability and supplies; for the major economies of the world that their response may be generous, uncomplicated and consistent
  • Those countries affected by the double impact of poverty and climate change; for those struggling to subsist in harsh environments; for the work Water Aid and similar charities
  • Those countries where disease is rife, civil and tribal division brings oppression and violence, and political corruption keeps people in poverty
  • For all other Aid Agencies working to bring hope and support to those countries in need

Praying together Easter 4 Year C - The poor and vulnerable - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week we think about the social and financial problems facing our local community. We pray for:

  •  All those people who have found themselves in financial difficulty due to increasing price rises and living costs; for help, support and sound advice; for reassurance and peace of mind
  • Families struggling to buy the essentials of daily life; for children who may be going without food and for the work of the school meals service
  • The Elderly and vulnerable concerned about dwindling pensions and benefits; for the work of Day Services providing meals and social activities
  • All those providing advice and support; for the Citizens Advice Bureau, local Banks and Building Societies, Debt Counselling, Customer Service Staff of the Utility Companies and Foodbanks
  • Ourselves that we may be willing to serve our community to be alongside those in need and to be generous with our giving and our time

Praying together Easter 3 Year C

During this week the church celebrates the Feast of St Philip and St James, Apostles of Christ and we reflect on our own role as Christians as we rejoice in the Resurrection. We pray for:

  • Confidence and courage in our faith that we may be ready to proclaim God’s word in our everyday lives
  • Trust in the working of the Holy Spirit particularly when times are hard and life is a struggle
  • That we may be prepared to stand up for justice and against evil, accepting that this may not always be easy but knowing that the Risen Christ is beside us.
  • Young people growing up in an increasingly secular world; for discernment when faced with peer group pressure and the challenges of social media.
  • All those local evangelists who have gone before us spreading the news of Christ and His Resurrection in our church and community. May they rest in Peace.

Praying together Easter Day Year C - Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren 

We rejoice at the news that He is Risen, Alleluia! We celebrate with our brothers and sisters around the world and proclaim the risen Christ. We pray for

  • The leaders of the world-wide church – Archbishop Justin Welby, Pope Francis and Bartholomew the Ecumenical Patriarch
  • The Easter message to be heard in those places that try to silence it
  • Those who cannot profess their faith openly through fear of persecution or death
  • Those without faith that they may hear and believe the Good News of the Risen Christ
  • The true meaning of Easter to overcome the noise of commercialism and greed
  • The hope and joy of Easter to flow into the troubled, war-torn, hungry and oppressed people of God’s world
  • Our eyes to be open when Christ shows himself to us in unexpected places and at unexpected times
  • Our faith to radiate the love of Christ in our lives, homes and community and for courage to proclaim the Good News of Easter with confidence, assurance and joy

Praying together for Holy Week Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren 

This week moves us from the joy and praise of Jesus entering Jerusalem to the anguish and pain on the cross. We pray:

  • That many more will welcome Christ into their hearts and lives over the coming year; May we as a church spread the Good News with courage and faith
  • That our hearts, minds and actions may be led by Christ; that we may show humility and recognise that all people are precious in the sight of God
  • For healing and help for God’s hurting world; that we may play our part in bringing that healing in the community of which we are part, and in the opportunities that we are given
  • For all those countries ravaged by war; for the innocent caught up in violence and conflict; for God’s Peace and justice to be in those places.
  • For all those who are oppressed because of faith, race, colour or culture; for all those who are hungry and in poverty
  • For all those in any kind of need; for those whose need is unseen and unknown, that they may find help, comfort and support
  • For those whose death is drawing near, especially those burdened with fear and guilt; may they know the comfort and assurance of Your redeeming love


Praying together for the feast of St Mark the Evangelist who is the Patron Saint of our Church. - By Mike and Janet Warren

  • Our church as it meets together in worship and praise, giving thanks for the witness of the Gospel over many years; we give thanks that our worship has continued during the pandemic and that we have kept safe.
  • For our Ministers and all our lay workers giving thanks for their teaching, tireless work and commitment to our Parish; for the Holy Spirit to continue to inspire and guide them.
  • For the ministry of our church and the community it serves; for our role as Evangelists and God’s workers.
  • For the Preschool and all the organisations who use our church that these may continue to flourish as we go forward together and be a source of good in our community.
  • For ourselves as members of God’s family in this place and that the Good News of the Gospel will continue to be proclaimed in the years to come.

Prayer to celebrate the Feast of St Philip and St James, Apostles of Christ and

We reflect on our own role as Christians as we rejoice in the Resurrection. We pray for:

  • Confidence and courage in our faith that we may be ready to proclaim God’s word in our everyday lives.
  • Trust in the working of the Holy Spirit particularly when times are hard and life is a struggle.
  • That we may be prepared to stand up for justice and against evil, accepting that this may not always be easy but knowing that the Risen Christ is beside us.
  • Young people growing up in an increasingly secular world; for discernment when faced with peer group pressure and the challenges of social media.
  • All those local evangelists who have gone before us spreading the news of Christ and His Resurrection in our church and community. May they rest in Peace.

Praying together on Easter Sunday Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren 

We rejoice at the news that He is Risen, Alleluia! We celebrate with our brothers and sisters around the world and proclaim the risen Christ. We pray for: 

  • 1. The leaders of the world-wide church – Archbishop Justin Welby, Pope Francis and Bartholomew the Ecumenical Patriarch
  • 2. The Easter message to be heard in those places that try to silence it
  • 3. Those who cannot profess their faith openly through fear of persecution or death
  • 4. Those without faith that they may hear and believe the Good News of the Risen Christ
  • 5. The true meaning of Easter to overcome the noise of commercialism and greed
  • 6. The hope and joy of Easter to flow into the troubled, war-torn, hungry and oppressed people of God’s world
  • 7. Our eyes to be open when Christ shows himself to us in unexpected places and at unexpected times
  • 8. Our faith to radiate the love of Christ in our lives, homes and community and for courage to proclaim the Good News of Easter with confidence, assurance and joy

Praying together for Palm Sunday Year C by Mike and Janet Warren 

This week moves us from the joy and praise of Jesus entering Jerusalem to the anguish and pain on the cross. We pray:

  •  That many more will welcome Christ into their hearts and lives over the coming year; May we as a church spread the Good News with courage and faith
  • That our hearts, minds and actions may be led by Christ; that we may show humility and recognise that all people are precious in the sight of God
  • For healing and help for God’s hurting world; that we may play our part in bringing that healing in the community of which we are part, and in the opportunities that we are given
  • For all those countries ravaged by war; for the innocent caught up in violence and conflict; for God’s Peace and justice to be in those places.
  • For all those who are oppressed because of faith, race, colour or culture; for all those who are hungry and in poverty
  • For all those in any kind of need; for those whose need is unseen and unknown, that they may find help, comfort and support
  • For those whose death is drawing near, especially those burdened with fear and guilt; may they know the comfort and assurance of Your redeeming love


Praying together for Lent 5 Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

As Winter turns to Spring, we consider the changing seasons of the year and of our lives. We pray:

  • That the bursting of trees into blossom and flowers into bloom will inspire us to marvel at God’s creation and all that he has provided for us.
  • For all those who have suffered through the winter with storm damage, loss of electricity, loss of businesses and livelihoods; for our Lord to bring comfort and hope as we emerge from Winter darkness
  • For farmers and food producers already working hard to provide us with food; we thank God for the work they do for us all
  • For our families as we watch them grow and we share in their successes and disappointments; we give thanks for family life but continue to pray for all those who are estranged, alone or struggling with relationships
  • For ourselves as the seasons of our lives move on; we look back at our life so far and pray for God to draw us ever closer to him as the years move on 

Praying together for the Fourth Sunday of Lent Year C - Mothering Sunday - By Mike and Janet Warren

On this Mothering Sunday, in such difficult times, we reflect on Motherhood and mothers throughout the world. We pray:


  1. With thanks for our own mothers in their love for us, the sacrifices they made and their hard work.
  2. For mothers who are refugees fleeing war and oppression with their children; for those whose children have been left behind, may they know God’s strength
  3. For women expecting a child and for those beginning their journey as mothers with new-born infants; for confidence and courage
  4. For mothers - whose children have died or are missing from home; may they feel the comfort of God’s loving presence.
  5. For organisations and charities who work to help mothers in crisis.
  6. For the work of adoption agencies and local authorities making difficult decisions about the welfare of mothers and children.
  7. For those whose mothers have died; may they be comforted and may their loved ones rest in peace.


Praying together for the Third Sunday of Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week the church celebrates the Feast of the Annunciation when we recall the visitation of the angel to Mary announcing that she was to be the mother of Jesus. We pray:

  •  With thanks for the example that Mary has shown us in her willingness to follow the path that God had set out for her; for her bravery knowing that her decision would bring shame and social isolation.
  • For all women facing scorn, persecution and oppression; for those willing to stand up for justice in the face of prejudice and danger; for the women of Afghanistan and other countries losing their rights to education and freedom.
  • For all who have responded to God’s call or are testing a vocation that they may be open to the challenges ahead, confident in their calling and guided by the Holy Spirit.
  • For those whose role is to help others discern God’s call; For mentors, spiritual directors and the church community.
  • For ourselves during our Lenten journey that we may be open to the still small voice of God speaking and guiding us in our everyday lives.

Praying together for the Second Sunday of Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week, along with the Irish community, we remember St Patrick. Best known as the primary Patron Saint of Ireland, he was a Romano-British missionary in the 5th century. He brought Christianity to Ireland and became the first Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. We pray:

  •  For the people of the island of Ireland, still divided but striving for peaceful co-existence; for the leaders of the Stormont Assembly and the Irish Government; for the church and its leaders.
  • For the communities of Irish people around the world, many of which were formed from refugees from Ireland; for all refugees and, at this time, the people of Ukraine in their flight from war.
  • For all who work as missionaries spreading the Gospel of Christ giving thanks for their witness, self-sacrifice and commitment.
  • For the Worldwide church continuing to proclaim the Good News; for its leaders Justin Welby, Pope Francis and Bartholomew the Ecumenical Patriarch; for all faith communities.
  • For ourselves that we may have confidence to share our faith with others through our words and actions.


Praying together C First Sunday of Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

Last Wednesday we began our Lenten journey when Bishop Richard encouraged us to pray, reflect and to fast. So, we pray:

  • For the worldwide church, that it may renew and reinvigorate its mission in the world during this time of Lent; for unity in a divided and hurting world; for its leaders and church communities that they may hear and act upon God’s word to them.
  • For the world, that there may be Peace and healing of its people and nations; for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia in their fear, confusion, uncertainty and loss; for Global Leaders in the difficult decisions that they have to make and for the work of the United Nations.
  • For our community, that differences may be reconciled and past hurts forgotten that helping hands may be outstretched to those in need.
  • For the sick and those who call out for rest and relief, that they may be heard, comforted and healed; for those caring for a loved one that they may be strengthened and supported.
  • For each of us on our Lenten Pilgrimage that we may find time in busy lives to be still and listen for God’s call to each one of us.


Praying together on the Sunday next before Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet  Warren

The world has been thrown into shock, confusion and fear by the invasion of Ukraine. We also remember that wars continue in other parts of the world and so we pray:

  • For the people of Ukraine, their leaders and government; for the people of Russia, their leaders and government and for European leaders working to find a peaceful solution to this conflict.
  • For all those who are already casualties of the conflict and have lost loved ones or are injured or whose homes have been destroyed; for those trying to escape the fighting leaving homes and families behind; for the souls of those who have died.
  • For the Yemen, its people and government as it continues another year of fierce conflict and famine; for children and parents who are the innocent victims of war; for international aid organisations wrestling with the scale of the humanitarian disaster.
  • For other countries where civil unrest, violence and persecution continue outside the glare of the global media.
  • For peace in our world; for those whose work is negotiating peace, for leaders that they may lead in peace and for ourselves that we may have peace in our hearts.

Praying together for the Second Sunday before Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

As the half-term holiday comes to an end we think about our children and young people and their education. We pray:

  • For all those returning to school and college that they may have confidence, encouragement and enthusiasm in their learning; for those who are anxious and unsure, that they may be recognised and helped.
  • For teachers and lecturers that they may inspire and be supported in their vocation; for their schools and colleges that they may be enabled to provide the very best for their communities.
  • For all children and young people preparing to take exams and assessments during this academic year; for those who find examinations stressful and difficult that they may feel confident and calm; for those facing exams for the first time and particularly those whose education has been disrupted through the pandemic.
  • For the health and well-being of both staff and students as they continue to manage the requirements of Covid.
  • For all those who play a part in nurturing our young people as they grow and develop; for our own preschool, for Helen and her team in their work with the very young.

 Praying together for the Third Sunday before Lent Year C - Valentines Day -  by Mike and Janet Warren

Whilst the commercial world focuses tomorrow on St Valentine’s day and human love for spouses, partners and friends, we remember that our God is the God who loves each one of us and we are precious in His sight.

  • We pray for all who are struggling and are in need, that they may know God’s comforting love
  • We pray for those having difficulties in their relationships, that they may know God’s healing love
  • We pray for those who do not know what it is to be loved, that they may know God’s love for them
  • We pray for those who have lost a loved one, that they may know God’s compassionate love
  • God of tenderness and compassion, give us loving hearts that we may be ready to reach out in Your name to those who are in need

Praying together for the Fourth Sunday before Lent Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren 

  • This Sunday sees the start of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Seventy years ago, on the 6 February King George VI died making way for the young Princess Elizabeth to ascend to the throne. We pray
  • With thanksgiving for her life of loyal service, duty and self-sacrifice; for her commitment to the development and encouragement of the Commonwealth of Nations; for her example to the nation in times of celebration and sadness
  • For her as she carries out her Royal Duties and in her role as head of the Church of England; for continued health and strength
  • For her in her role as widow, mother, grandmother and great grandmother, that she may provide an example, sound advice and loving support to her family
  • For her family in all its complexity that they may continue the Queen’s work at home and abroad; for strength, perseverance and commitment
  • For the Leaders of all Nations that they may set an example to their people for them to follow in the way of peace, justice and truth.


Praying together for Candlemas Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

This week the church celebrates the Presentation of Christ who is the Light of the World. We pray:

  • For the church that it may shine the light of Christ brightly in these dark times; for our own church that its ministry in Brickhill may bring light and hope to the community
  • For the world that all its people may find peace, hope and justice through the light of Christ; for the people of Ukraine and Russia, Afghanistan, Syria and the Yemen; for global leaders that they may strive earnestly in their endeavours for world peace and the relief of suffering
  • For those in need that they may be comforted and strengthened through Christ who walks their journey with them; for those we know personally who are in need or are unwell; for those that bring light and hope through their caring
  • For grace in our human frailty to put all our trust in God’s promises and patience to wait in faith
  • With thanks for the example of Simeon and Anna, and pray that we too may recognise Christ when we meet him along our way


Praying together for Epiphany 3 Year C - By Mike and Janet Warren

On Tuesday we think about the conversion of St Paul. The dramatic and complete conversion of Paul is an example to us of acceptance, courage, strong faith and commitment to spreading the good news of Christ. His willingness to travel where God led him; to suffer imprisonment, and pain whilst continuing to challenge the old ways of the religious and political leaders give us much to contemplate. We pray for:

  • All Christians throughout the world persecuted for their faith; for courage and strength in the face of violence, intimidation and imprisonment; for God’s Holy Spirit to sustain them
  • For governments and political leaders that they may support diversity of religious belief and practice; for tolerance, understanding and a spirit of freedom to be the mark of their office
  • All Priests, Deacons, Lay Readers and Ministers that their work and words may inspire us to do God’s work; that we may listen, hear and act when we hear God’s call
  • The word of God to break through the noise of our secular society; that our children may hear the scriptures and God’s call to faith
  • Our own acceptance of the fact that, however far we fall short of Christ, we can be restored to grace

Praying together for Epiphany 2 Year C - Christian Unity - By Mike and Janet Warren

This Tuesday is the start of the week of prayer for Christian unity.

  • As we continue through the season of Epiphany, we give thought to the worldwide church in all its diversity, colour and richness of liturgy. We remember that we all worship one God and follow our Lord Jesus Christ within His church. We pray for:
  • An acceptance of difference and for there to be joy at the variety of worship we can offer our God
  • Our brothers and sisters in the Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and United Reformed churches
  • Archbishop Justin, Pope Francis, Bartholomew the Ecumenical Patriarch and all Christian Leaders that they will continue to bring us all together in unity
  • The worldwide Church continuing to reach out in so many different ways to its community particularly at this time of pandemic and increasing social division
  • The churches in Bedford, their ministers and church families and for ourselves that we may work and pray for the unity of God’s church